Babbling On
Babbling On
Songs Called "California" (w/ Sohrob Nayebaziz)

Songs Called "California" (w/ Sohrob Nayebaziz)

This particular genre of song sparks an interesting conversation about home, ennui, and the pursuit of fame.

“California.” “California.” “California.” While those sentences may look exactly the same, I was actually referencing three different songs there. Can you guess which ones? Listen to this episode, with celebrated music critic and filmmaker Sohrob Nayebaziz, for more on this crucial story about a long-wondered-about subgenre of the music industry.

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Babbling On
Babbling On
Respected journalist Hilton Dresden dives deep into various topics her guests can't seem to stop babbling on about. An extension of the Babbling On Substack newsletter.
Created, produced, and edited by Hilton Dresden.
Theme song by Benny Cotilletta, featuring Callie Baker and produced by Benny Cotilletta and Jack Kraus.
Artwork by Hilton Dresden.
Special thanks to Alec Cohen, Natalie Rotter-Laitman, Molly Montgomery, Nick Kraus, and all the Substack subscribers who refuse to shut the f*ck up.