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Your words of any weight line up so beautifully and enter the ❤️

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Hello, Hilton Dresden. This beautiful essay does your father proud. I hope your trip to Berlin provided some comfort to you in this hard, hard time.

If you are up to it, here is a citation to a short series I put together on the passing of Joan Didion, a writer I hold in the highest esteem. Have such respect for Didion's iron will, indefatigable drive, and focus she had as a writer, along with her brilliance and skill. Here it is, and very best wishes to you:


P.S. Have subscribed. I am job hunting at the moment and am sorry I cannot become a paid supporter at this time, but will do my best to promote your work to some of my awesome Twitter folks (to me, it is the Forever Bird App). Cheers and Slainte!

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